Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Goings On at Our House

Persy is recovering from a cold and just might actually sleep through the night...Piper decided to wake up at 1 am and demand a change of clothes and a sippy - weird but okay - changed diaper, put her in yoga pants and a long sleeved onesie instead of her jammies then we headed to the kitchen to get a sippy of milk. Leaving the kitchen we passed the family room with the TV in it.

"Mama, Lazy Town?"

"No, Pi-Pi, it's night night time."

"Barack Obama?" as she reached for the clicker.

"No, Pi-Pi, night night, come on."

Apparently CNN was her idea of a gimme to not have to go to bed...and CNN has gone from being called "Cooper Cooper" to being called "Barack Obama."

She is asleep. I am going back to bed but thought I would share. Good night.

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