Thursday, December 25, 2008

Christmas Day Recap

What a beautiful, hectic's been a recession in the Ferry house for a whole year now but things are definitely looking up. I recently added a great new freelance client to my schedule and some other really cool things are happening.

We had a few nice presents picked out for the girls and a nice quiet opening this morning. Then we had a brunch for the whole Ferry clan...yummy food and a TON of presents for the girls, everyone was incredibly generous and thoughtful! In the days to come they will have no shortage of things to play with or wear! At the end of the day the girls and I stayed home, missing the big Christmas dinner but...Persy was out by 4 and Pi was fading by 5:45.

I miss my family and friends up north but we are committed to spending next Christmas up there, I am already counting the days. In the meantime, here is the Annual 'night before Christmas version for you entertainment:

Twas the morning of Christmas and all through the house
Not a creature was sleeping except for my spouse.

The children were wearing their jammies with socks
While Mushy and Joxer kept begging for walks.

The stocking were hung by the living room tree
Where toddlers and doggies couldn’t quite reach.

Mama in her sweatpants and V-necked sweater
Was preparing some food that never looked better.

Out on the lawn there arose such a clatter
Even Eric got out of bed to see what was the matter.

There on a crest of newly mowed lawn
Arriving for the party were Scott, Hunter and Dawn.

When what to his wondering eyes should appear
But the whole Ferry clan arriving here.

Away to the shower he flew like a flash
Turning on the water he stepped in the bath.

Soon the guests were all gathered for grub
While Eric still lathered and sang in the tub.

While Piper played princesses and trains with Will
Eric, the bather, was showering still.

Before the party ended the people were fed
Eric descended with his spiky haired head.

Piper and Persy gave hugs and kisses to all
Then picked up the phone to give Grammy a call.

Mama and Dada exclaimed as the guests turned to go
Merry Christmas to all, next year it might snow.


Christmas Day

Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Been a while since I was tagged with a meme

And I still wasn't but my kid brother had it on his blog so I have to be cool like him:
Five names you go by:
Margot, Stewart, Chase, Mouster, EmVee
Three things you are wearing right now:
Olive green velvet sweatpants, University Elementary Fall Festival t-shirt, gold earrings
Two things you want very badly at the moment:
A pedicure
A white 2001 Land Rover Discovery
Three people who will probably fill this out:
Cindy, Sarah, Laura
Two things you did last night:
Let Joxer out at 2:14 am
Wrote review of organic baby food for Cookie Magazine
Two things you ate today:
Blueberry Oat bar from Starbucks (thanks, Matt)
Chicken Tenders
Two people you last talked to on the phone:
My mom
My neighbor, Liz
Two things you are going to do tomorrow:
Walk with Liz
Mail Christmas cards
Two longest car rides:
Pittsburgh, PA to Salem, OR via Denver, CO (1989)
Portland, OR to Milwaukee, WI (1992) return drive (1996)
Two of your favorite beverages:
Sumatra coffee with half and half and one packet of Splenda
Green tea iced tea at Starbucks with two pumps of syrup